Our policy platform features 24 high-impact policies designed to address barriers to accessing care and improve our nation’s mental health care system. From closing the treatment gap to improving youth mental health, policymakers can lead the way in enacting laws that save lives.
Our topical reports and policy briefs combine research and actionable policy recommendations to support policymakers on issues related to health care coverage, youth mental health, crisis response, and the mental health workforce.
Inseparable’s State Mental Health Caucus serves as a forum for state policymakers to share ideas and best practices with their peers from around the country. It also offers opportunities to learn from leading experts about the latest trends and data-driven practices that further mental health in America.
Polling shows strong bipartisan support for policies that advance mental health. Our timely public opinion research helps policymakers better understand which issues matter most to voters so they are equipped to enact meaningful change.
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