Recent bipartisan polling of registered voters nationwide, conducted by Impact Research and Meeting Street Insights on behalf of Inseparable Action, found that voters view the growing mental health crisis facing the country as a top issue priority and think elected officials are not doing enough to address it. The poll also found strong support for requiring health insurance plans to expand coverage of mental health care and lower out-of-pocket costs for patients.
Survey Method:
These findings are based on a nationwide online and text-to-web survey conducted in English and Spanish from July 22-29, 2024, among N=1,000 registered voters. The margin of error for the full sample is ±3.1% at the 95% level of confidence and higher for subgroups.
Polling of registered voters nationwide, conducted on behalf of Inseparable Action, found strong, bipartisan concern about a growing mental health crisis facing the country.
The poll also found strong support for a range of proposed solutions to expand services in K-12 schools and require health insurance plans to expand coverage of mental health care.
Survey Method:
These findings are based on an online and text-to-web survey conducted November 17-22, 2023, among N=1,000 registered voters. The margin of error for the full sample is ±3.1% at the 95% level of confidence and higher for subgroups.
In a recent survey of Colorado voters, particularly parents, it was evident that the overwhelming majority believe there is a mental health crisis among youth that needs to be addressed.
Survey Method:
The interviews were conducted from December 11th to 18th, 2023. The overall survey responses have a margin of error of +/- 3.24% at the 95% confidence interval. Population subgroups will have a higher margin of error than the overall sample. The survey data were weighted to be representative of Colorado’s voter registration demographics.
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