Terms of Submission
By submitting a story and your likeness to us, you are granting permission to Inseparable to copy, exhibit, publish and distribute your story and likeness, together with your name and city of residence on this Website, on our social media platforms, in print, in emails, in any other media, now known or hereafter developed, and with interested parties at Inseparable’s sole discretion. Inseparable will determine, at our sole discretion, where and when your story appears.
You further agree that Inseparable may edit your personal story for length and/or clarity. We will not, however, knowingly edit your story in such a way as to create a misleading impression. By submitting your story, you are attesting to the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided. As we can only manage and display a limited number of stories at any one time, Inseparable retains the right to remove or delete your information from any platform at any time in our sole discretion. We will edit or remove your information at any time upon your request. Simply contact us at info@inseparable.us. Please allow several business days for us to make any applicable updates.
Submission of your story is subject to all the terms and conditions of the Website’s Privacy Policy. Please understand that, as stated in our Privacy Policy (inseparable.us/privacy), we may share your story and other personally identifiable information about you with like-minded organizations. In addition, we may share your story and other personally identifiable information with elected officials and with the press.
Media Inquiries: press@inseparable.us
© 2024 Inseparable